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My name is Helen Oldham and I am passionate about The Bowen Technique. I became a fully qualified European College of Bowen Studies (ECBS) practitioner in 2001. I have also qualified with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. I have trained in Equine Bowen Therapy (EBT) and Equine Muscle Release Therapy (EMTR). As part of my training I completed an Anatomy and Physiology diploma. 
I am constantly amazed how gentle and effective Bowen is, treating a huge range of different symptoms.

I also trained in Usui Reiki in 2001, and since then have become a Reiki master in Usui and Karuna Reiki. Reiki is a wonderfully gentle energetic healing therapy that is also extremely effective rebalancing the body and mind so that the individual is better equipped to cope with the fast and hectic pace of life in the 21st century. Again it is a therapy that can treat a huge range of conditions.

Since  then I have also trained in Kinesio Taping which I tend to use in conjunction with Bowen or Yamuna Body Rolling, which is my latest passion. 

Before having my children a main part of my business was treatimg horse and dogs with muscle release therapy and reiki with fantastic results. Then with less time I focused on humans but now my children are getting older I'm embracing the equine and canine side of therapy more. 

I grew up riding and competing ponies and horses in dressage and eventing so it was natural for me to want to work with them. As a human and equine therapist I can treat both the rider and horse to maintain harmony and balance between the two. I also used to teach people to ride in dressage and jumping so I have a very good eye for what is correct between the horse and rider and what is not.  My children are now budding equestrians.

Our family hobbies are snowboarding, mountain biking, walking, sailing (for me on a low wind and hot sunny day)! 
During the covid pandemic and lockdown with the extra time available I decided my new project would be duck breeding. I incubated Call ducklings and Ancona ducklings. Last year I had thirty ducklings all different ages in my garden, but have trimmed it down to four Call ducks and two Anconas, and delicious eggs daily. I also have gorgeous little Pekin hens. 

My clinic is based in Orton-on-the-Hill near Atherstone and Tamworth.



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